Why are oranges better than apples?


There is a variety of fruits with various benefits. I’d say each fruit has a unique composition, and taste. nutritional value, shape and size.

However, due to personal preference, individuals prefer one fruit over the other. But can we say one fruit is better than the other? Let’s compare oranges to apples and see which one wins!




Apples are usually eaten unpeeled. They are juicy and have antioxidant properties which prevent cancer, ageing, and plaquing of the blood vessels with cholesterol and are highly recommended for blood sugar regulation. Apples contain high levels of potassium(117mg),(7mg)calcium and less vitamin C.


On average, an apple weighs about 250g and holds about 95 calories.


Oranges and apples have high fibre content naturally but apples have about 5g. This high fibre content helps with reducing the occurrence of constipation and easier bowel movements as it softens the stool.




Oranges are known to help keep colds, stuffy noses, itchy throats and sneezes away. They are much better companions for allergies and the common cold.

The beautiful fruit provides the daily recommendation for vitamin C and this is about 140% while apples provide only 7% of the daily dose.

Vitamin C is powerful enough to keep infections, cancer, hair loss, heart diseases and skin conditions at bay.


An orange that weighs around 100g has about 45 calories. To add to that, oranges bring about 326mg of potassium and 72mg of calcium. This makes oranges a healthy option for strong bonds and teeth.

Oranges may not contain as much fibre as apples but they much helpful in fighting flu and preventing several avoidable conditions due to vitamin C deficiency.

Finally, eating an apple or orange is helpful but depending on what you need and in which season.

For easier digestion and bowel health, an apple does the trick and to save your heart skin, and hair and lower your cholesterol level, orange is more convenient.

There is absolutely nothing to lose while enjoying both juicy fruits!


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